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Afro-Asia Legal Forum interview with AG Githu Muigai
Attorney General-Githu Muigai defends his office's involvement with the Afro-Asia legal forum
Githu Muigai-AG talks about the fight against poaching with China and Asian countries
AG-Githu Muigai's legal take on the Israel-Palestine occupation
AG Githu Muigai propose minimum reforms on thorny issues in the constitution
The major hindrance in the fight against terror is porous borders: Attorney General-Githu Muigai
Githu Muigai, Kenya's Attorney-General
Check Point: One on One with Attorney General-Prof. Githu Muigai on matters electoral laws impasse
Kenya to host 56th session of the Asian African legal consultative organisarion conference
AG Githu Muigai and CJ David Maraga advice to the new IEBC Commissioners
AG Githu Muigai's speech during his swearing in of the IEBC team
Kenya is tabling AG-Githu Muigai for ITLOS judge position: Felix Odhiambo-Maritime Law Expert pt2